Data-Import and Visualization
The initial visualization of a prepared measurement dataset is done with two simple steps:
An experimental dataset needs to be loaded: On the "Experiments" tab-pane at the right click either onto the button "Open Input Template", to load a dataset, which conforms to the excel form layout of template 1 or template 2.
After loading a dataset, a new tab-pane, which shows basic data about the dataset like experiment-name, coordinator and the important number of measurement values (this is important as it allows the confirmation of a correct data loading), is shown. This tab-pane contains two drop down lists. The first contains the list of time points, where sub-datasets are available; the second drop down list contains a list of analyzed plants and genotypes. Initially the selection for both lists is "- all -", which means, that for data mapping the complete dataset will be considered. If no graph editor window is opened, a new graph editor window with new graph nodes, representing the measured substances will be created by clicking the "Data Mapping" button. After the creation of the graph, containing the measurement value nodes, the "Resize and Layout on Grid" layout algorithm will be executed. You can parameterize the size of the nodes and the space between the rows and columns of nodes. All nodes will then be placed on a quadratic grid. In case of time series data the nodes will contain line charts, showing the change of a measured substance over time. In case of no time series data a bar chart will be initially used, which allows the visual comparison of different plants / genotypes of the experimental measurement dataset.