Access to mapped experimental data
Currently the access to mapping data is read-only via this API.
Graph -- Contains graph nodes and edges (gravisto API) \==> Node -- A graph node (gravisto API) \==> NodeHelper (extends Node) \==> MappingData \==> SeriesData \==> SampleData
ToDo: Add method descriptions
- A helper object with additional helper functions. Use getGraphNode to retreive the corresponding Node object
- This object acts like a Proxy to the corresponding Node object
boolean writeDatasetTable(String fileName, boolean useAverage) -- Write mapped dataset to a text file (may be read in R with the function read.table). Returns true, if successful. The file format is explained here. ArrayList<MappingData> getDataMappings() ArrayList<SeriesData> getMappedSeriesData() -- Series data from all data mappings ArrayList<SampleData> getMappedSampleData() -- All mapped samples (from all series) ArrayList<SampleData> getMappedSampleDataForTimePoint(int timeValue) -- All samples (with replicate values) mapped onto the node for the specified time point ArrayList<Double> getMappedMeanValuesForTimePoint(int timeValue) -- The mean value of all mapped sample data for the specified time point Set<Integer> getMappedTimePointsCoveredByAllLines() -- The timepoints where all mapped series have sample data Set<Integer> getMappedUniqueTimePoints() -- The super-set of time points, all possible time points, which are available for any of the mapped series Set<String> getMappedSeriesNames() -- The series names of all mappings double getAverage() -- The average of the mapped average sample values
MappingData: Several mappings may be assigned to a node
double getAverage() -- The average of the average sample values, belonging to this mapping ArrayList<SeriesData> getSeriesData() String getExperimentName() String getExperimentCoordinator() String getExperimentStartDate()
SeriesData: A mapping consists of assigned series data (wild type, transgenic line 1, ...)
ArrayList<Double> getStdDevValues() ArrayList<Double> getStdErrValues() double calcBeta() double calcAlpha() ArrayList<Double> getMeanValues() ArrayList<String> getMeanMeasurementUnits() ArrayList<String> getMeanTimeUnits() ArrayList<Integer> getMeanTimePoints() Set<Integer> getUniqueTimePoints() String getName() ArrayList<SampleData> getSamples() parentMappingData()
- SampleData (implements Comparable)
- A data series contains a number of samples. Each sample contains replicate data and may have time series information and has a measurement unit assigned
- May be sorted according to the time point
ArrayList<Double> getValues() ArrayList<String> getReplicateIDs() String getUnit() String getTimeUnit() int getTimePoint() parentSeriesData()